Goodfellas and Jaws

I had my new friend Karyn over to watch these two with me. We discussed them, exchanged funny comments and so on. Its nice watching movies with friends, I’ve really missed it! Anyways, I’m going to use Karyn as an excuse for my reviews being short and crap because she distracted me from my note-taking!!! Both films neither of us had seen before which was good.

The Third Man

I’ve been trying to delay my viewing of this because its one of my mum’s favourite movie and I wanted to watch it with her. Have you ever watched someone when they’re watching a movie they love? It’s a beautiful sight to me.

Anyways, this is one of the best ‘old-black-and-white’ movies I’ve seen, I wasn’t bored for one minute, its fast paced for a noir movie and the storyline is very interesting; a guy flies over to Venice [post-World War II, its separated into 4 different zones run by winning allies] for a job with his best friend only to find out he’d died. It all seems too fishy though so the best friend goes on a little investigation. It really made me think about what I would do if it were my best friend, Sarah.

Fight Club

I’ve been dreading reviewing this because I knew it was going to end up being a long review that I’m just too tired to write. This is because it is such a freaking awesome movie. The beautiful cinematography, mind-boggling editing, the acting, the storyline and the characters are all perfect in the sense of great movie making. Obviously, the storyline and characters are due to the book [which I shall put on my reading list] but… I don’t know, its just amazing. This film is kind of like Marmite, you either love it or you hate it. I love it. My brother loves it. I remember he saw it for the first time when me, him, our mum and uncles were on holiday in Wales and my uncles had brought their portable DVD player and some DVDs and he just watched Fight Club on repeat for the whole week. Yes, he enjoys it because of the fighting and he loves Brad Pitt but I think, unbeknownst to him, that its more than that.

Pulp Fiction, Apocalypse Now and Taxi Driver

I thought there was no point doing three separate posts as I pretty much watched these movies back to back to save time. I have one more film to watch tonight and it will probably be Fight Club which I will review separately.

Blade Runner

I’ve never seen the last 10 minutes of this film! I’ve seen the rest a couple of times but never the ending, how weird! Anyways, I watched this with my dad as this is one of his favourite movies and its nice to watch a movie with someone who loves it. I think I don’t love it as much as my dad because of the time difference and I’ve been completely spoilt with sci-fi/CGI movies that I wasn’t impressed by it. Well, I say that but I can appreciate that back then [1982] it was pretty amazing and, actually, I was impressed by the landscape parts, where we see the ruin that is now LA. It does make you wonder whether we’ll all be living in constant smog and rain in 9 years time [the film is set in 2019].

Schindler’s List

This is the second time I’ve watched this movie.

I cried 7 times. And it was proper, uncontrollable crying, there are tissues all over my bed. I have a headache, I was crying to much.

I feel sick to my stomach.

People would argue that Spielberg shouldn’t of done this movie in such detail but it is needed. We need to be reminded of what humans can do to one another. We must never forget what happened. Like Spielberg said, we must never forget what happened so there is never another Hitler.

Everyone must see this movie at some point in their lives, sooner rather than later.

In memory of the more than six million Jews murdered.



PS: On a funnier note, its Aslan VS Voldemort!

Singin’ In The Rain

First time I’ve seen it! It was brilliant! I’m going to cut straight to the notes because I’m incredibly tired and feel like I could sleep for days! I’ve got to get up early if I’m to watch 14 films by Saturday night!! So this might mean that a lot of my ‘reviews’ will be short as I’m INCREDIBLY tight on time.

  • I love the opening shot of the three main characters having their backs to the ‘audience’ in trench coats and black umbrellas and their names appear on their umbrellas.
  • I loved that this movie pretty much says that anything that actors or publicists say is scripted and lies. Biggest example of it is when Gene Kelly’s character, Don Lockwood, told the story of how he became famous but the audience sees how it really happened and discover that everything he’s saying is a complete lie.
  • I loved Jean Hagen and her voice! I remember reading somewhere that some silent movie actors and actresses lost their jobs because their voices where actually quite silly. Also, I just love comedic actresses from ‘the past’.
  • “Call me a cab.” ‘Ok, you’re a cab.”
  • (more…)

    The Deer Hunter

    This movie did make Empire’s Top 500 but it was #468 so why am I watching it in between #35 and #8? Because I’ve been in a Robert De Niro/Meryl Streep/Christopher Walken mood for days! I’m going to have to keep this review short as I’m very quickly running out of time to watch these movies! I’m going to try another two tonight but it may only be 1 as I’m already quite tired!

    It’s a beautiful movie that I think everyone should watch, I’d definitely put it on my ‘films to watch before you die’ list, if I ever had that list. Its about a group of men, their friendship and the terrible mental and physical effects of war. People say that the wedding scene [where one of the friends, Steve, marries his girlfriend before he, Nick and Michael go to war in Vietnam] is far too long but I disagree. I don’t think that I could of felt as much as I did if I didn’t witness the friendship they have which is shown during the wedding scene. The group of them made me think of my group of friends back home and therefore gave me that connection. You need to know the characters and their friendship to get involved in the movie. Also, it was incredibly important that the actors who play the friends have that friendship vibe and they do! My God, if they didn’t it would of a been a boring, average, another-Vietnam movie. But they do, especially De Niro and Walken which is probably one of the most important friendships in the whole thing.

    The other aspect of the movie, other than friendship, is war. We’ve all seen a Vietnam movie but this is the only one where less than 30 minutes of it is in actual Vietnam. This movie, in my opinion, is probably running tie with Schindler’s List, on showing just how unbelievably cruel humans can be. In this one, its all about how people take pleasure in gambling other people’s lives. Literally. I kind of don’t want to say more because I think there are a lot of people out there who haven’t seen this movie and I don‘t want to really ruin it… I know, I’ll end it here for those who haven’t seen it and want to. Click below if you have seen it and just want to know what I thought!

    Terminator 2: Judgement Day

    Its pretty darn good! I’ve never actually seen this movie the whole way through before! Or the first one, actually. Anyways, you don’t need to see the first one to get this sequel because its pretty much self-explanatory and you understand what happened via little hints in the script. Its not as awesome as Aliens was [which still remains my favourite sequel EVER] but its still pretty good.

    Once Upon a Time in the West

    One of the downsides to doing this challenge is that I’ve seen too many westerns. I’m now to the point where I feel that when you’ve seen one western, you’ve seen them all.