Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid

Thanks to the lovely Karen who has friended me on Facebook, I shall use this little intro section to do a little intro to the movie’s plot. However, my version of the plot may differ to the actual plot because I’m weird and a bit thick so yeah… anyways, ‘Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid’ is about Pat Garrett chasing after Billy the Kid. They used to be BFFs but then Pat Garrett become a deputy and had to arrest Billy the Kid for killing someone so Pat Garrett chases him across Old Mexio or somewhere like that, I can’t remember.

  • The beginning is nice because it cuts very nicely between the past [in sepia tone] and present [colour]. I didn’t fully understand what was happening but I thought, visually, it looked pretty good.
  • “Sweet Mary’s ass!”
  • I love the soundtrack! Some great songs on there!
  • A lot of pink paint in this movie. Though I think we’re supposed to believe its blood…
  • “Why don’t you take your money, shove it up your ass, and set fire to it?”
  • James Coburn [Pat Garrett] has lovely hair for an old man!
  • There is a beautiful shot where one of the characters [think Billy the Kid] is on his horse, riding next to a lake and the audience can only tell what he’s doing because they can only see him via his silhouette in the reflection on the lake. It was beautiful, trust me.
  • There is a whole lot of killed friends in this movie. AND there are only two real displays of emotion towards the dead friends. One which was actually the wife and she smiled in a sad farewell as her husband walked away wounded [think signifying he was going to heaven but it was weird and out of place but still sweet]. And another was the final death and is rather understandable and a nice change of no emotion.
  • Its all a bit confusing but it slowly comes to light what is happening. I feel that there were too many times when I went “wait, what? Why is… what the… oh, wait, ok, NOW I get it…”
  • Some harsh racism in this movie but its needed to show how brutal it was back then.
  • There’s a nice little [tame] orgy in this movie so don’t watch it with your parents…
  • The whole film is a little slow and doesn’t really pick up the pace at all. But its alright, just could have been faster and more stuff happening.
  • Best of Enemies. Deadliest of Friends.



    Published in: on April 20, 2010 at 8:14 PM  Comments (1)  
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    Monsters Inc.

    I love myself a bit of Pixar. I don’t think they can go wrong at all. I’ve either completely fallen in love with their movies or at least thoroughly enjoyed them. And Monsters Inc. is not exception. I loved it the first time I saw it then I saw it again in history class [ it was our last day, Mr Carter couldn’t be bothered either] and I hated it! Now, I’ve watched it again and I have no idea why I left that history lesson hating the movie!

  • The first thing we hear is jazzy music which is always a good sign for me as I love the sound of jazz! I couldn’t tell you anyone in jazz except Glen Miller so I couldn’t say I’m a humongous fan. The opening sequence reminds me of old comedies, very similar to the beginnings of Charade and Seven Year Itch. It made me smile a bit smugly as I know where they inspiration had some from.
  • This whole movie is basically that the monsters are more scared of the children than the children are of them which is such a brilliant idea! “There’s nothing more deadly than a child, one touch could kill you.“ The monster’s reactions are a mixture of taking the piss out of ‘official’ people who overreact to small, stupid things with exploding socks and people being scared of little things. Actually, some of the people’s reactions to it feel a bit like I was reading the Daily Mail [English people will understand ^_-]. I found myself laughing a little at Sully and Mike’s reactions to the child, Boo, as they’re the same reactions I do when I see a spider! Though I don’t chase it around my room with spray with gloves on my hands and those flipper shoes on my feet. I have a spider catcher now.
  • The monster city runs on screams which is another fantastic idea. So that’s the reason why there are monsters in the closet and under the bed.
    The two main characters are brilliant. We have the guy who’s the big, scary guy on the outside but the warmest, kindest guy on the inside with fabulous coloured fur; Sully [John Goodman a.k.a. Fred Flintstone]. Then we have the tiny green monster with one eye who pretends to be the brains of the pair but he’s just self-centered and our main source of comedy; Mike [Billy Crystal]. They make a great comedy duo. Not a very original comedy duo but its still a great one.
  • The CGI in this movie is stunning. The part that always makes me go “wow” is Sully’s fur. The detail they go into and you don’t really see if unless you’re up close to the screen! So much time and effort to create these individual strands of hair! Its just so impressive and amazing. Especially when he’s in the snow and you see the snow on the individual stands of fur. Amazing.
  • Boo is the cutest thing on the planet! She’s the star. Her voice is so sweet and her appearance and movement is so adorable. Its so cute that she keeps calling Sully ‘Kitty’, she doesn’t see a scary monster, she sees a big, cuddly cat which is what Sully really is. I loved it when she was in the restaurant filled with monsters and she shouts ‘boo!’ and the monsters scream for their lives. Its so funny when its opposite. Anyways, Boo is so cute and I love that she can’t really string words together except in song. She can also say ‘boo’ [obviously], ‘kitty’ and ‘Mike Wazowski’. Three [four, I guess, seeing as the name is two] words that every 3 year old should know. What’s great about Boo is that she’s not only cute but she soon becomes fearless of monsters! She grabs her monster by the… erm… don’t know what they actually are but they’re like antennas or something… and rides the monster around her room and whacks him with a baseball bat! She may be 3 but I found myself going “WOOO! YOU GO GIRL!” Oo, might interest you to know that one my mum’s friend’s is nicknamed Boo. Don’t know why though…
  • We get a few references to other Pixar movies which is fantastic! When Boo shows Sully her bedroom, she hands him her Jessie doll from Toy Story 2 and I’m proud to say I have a Jessie doll too. Wonder where it is… did I pack it when we moved to USA? I hope so! Anyways, Boo also shows him a Finding Nemo fish which must have been Pixar’s little teaser as Finding Nemo wasn’t released until 2 years after Monsters Inc. I also read that the trailer at the end is the same trailer from Bug’s Life and the pizza car is the same from Toy Story! I love it when films reference other films [especially when its in the family]. I remember once in Skins [which is was a great British TV show till season 3 where it totally fell to shit mainly because I auditioned and they gave me false hope then gave the guy I hate the most in this world a second audition. Bastards.] where Anwar [the dude who’s now more famous for Slumdog Millionaire] is having sex and is listing all of Hugh Grant’s movies and talking about ‘About A Boy’ which starred Nicholas Hoult who played Tony in Skins. Sorry. Totally off topic now. Oops!
  • One of the things I love about Pixar is their ‘outtakes’ at the end of the movie and I think every movie should do this. Even the hard hitting ones should do this. I know people will say “but it ruins the whole thing”. I like a laugh after seeing something serious or depressing so I say bring it on! Like, Lord of the Rings, at the end of those or at least the last one, they should’ve had a gag reel instead of those drawings of the characters. That would’ve been awesome.
  • I was a bit wary about typing up this note but, to be honest, it won’t ruin the movie and everyone’s seen it anyways. I loved that in this movie, they showed that laughter is [10x] more powerful that screams. For me, there is no greater feeling than laughter so I agree with the writers 100% and I think its so cool that the city would now run on laughter. Its such a wonderful thought.
  • “We scare because we care.”



    PS: People are saying they know of my blog thanks to my McDean videos on YouTube. I can’t believe there are still McDean fans out there! Its still going strong?! Its mental, in a good way of course. I keep getting emails from YouTube saying people are still commenting on my videos and people are still leaving comments on my profile! Its been 2 years now, hasn’t it?! Mental. Those who don’t know what McDean is, don’t worry, I can’t even be bothered to go into it lol.

    Published in: on February 6, 2010 at 9:08 PM  Leave a Comment  
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    The Magnificent Seven

    7.51pm – This shall be first movie, for this blog, I watch with my parents, brother is out somewhere… dunno where… good thing actually because I don’t think I’d be able to stand his closed-minded comments!

    11.19pm –
    I’m going to cut straight to the chase here without those little [useless] introductions that I do. The Magnificent Seven is a great movie because of the narrative/storyline and some fantastic acting. It’s a sweet, classic story of a leader given a task, he finds the best of the best and they take on their challenge. This film was based on the movie Seven Samurai [which I will be watching at some point!] and it’s a storyline that has been used countless times because it is practically fool-proof. If you like the Ocean movies, you’ll like this one, and you have Steven McQueen instead of Brad Pitt and Yul Brynner instead of George Clooney. Now that I think about it, the two modern ones are incredibly similar to the old classic actors, which I think will help modern audiences [especially teens and young adults] enjoy this film more as they have something to relate to modern life. Brynner was amazing, my parents warned me of this and I totally see what them mean; he takes complete control of the screen and has this presence that would make the audience do and believe whatever he says. McQueen was pretty good too, can see why he‘s still so famous. There is one character that made me annoyed but in a great way because he’s actually supposed to be annoying! And those in England will recognize the name; Chico. Americans, look up ‘Chico Time’ on YouTube. Chico [the character] is the annoying ‘pretty boy’ young man who thinks he’s amazing and one of the ‘big boys’. I love that we get to see glimpses of the other ‘seven’ and they’re all grinning, rolling their eyes and bowing their heads to stop themselves from laughing.

    I’m a child of the 90s and therefore kept grinning and pointing at the TV whenever I saw something that reminded me of Bug’s Life. This whole film seems to of been Bug’s Life’s inspiration and I have to be careful what I say because my dad was like “Bug’s Life is like Magnificent Seven, Magnificent Seven is not like Bug’s Life”. The storyline is practically the same and I really loved seeing one of the ‘seven’ surrounded by kids, just like the ladybug in Bug’s Life. I’m sorry! I’ll stop mentioning that film now. Sorry. I couldn’t help but make the references.

    I wasn’t particularly impressed by anything else, it all seemed pretty average but then again, I have nothing negative to say about it. It’s a nice classic, v.enjoyable!

