Fight Club

I’ve been dreading reviewing this because I knew it was going to end up being a long review that I’m just too tired to write. This is because it is such a freaking awesome movie. The beautiful cinematography, mind-boggling editing, the acting, the storyline and the characters are all perfect in the sense of great movie making. Obviously, the storyline and characters are due to the book [which I shall put on my reading list] but… I don’t know, its just amazing. This film is kind of like Marmite, you either love it or you hate it. I love it. My brother loves it. I remember he saw it for the first time when me, him, our mum and uncles were on holiday in Wales and my uncles had brought their portable DVD player and some DVDs and he just watched Fight Club on repeat for the whole week. Yes, he enjoys it because of the fighting and he loves Brad Pitt but I think, unbeknownst to him, that its more than that.


After watching Seven on DVD, I then watched brand new South Park and it was the best episode I’ve ever seen and I now have South Park on the brain and therefore this review will probably not do the film justice. Sorry.

  • The first shot is of Morgan Freeman so I can tell straight away that the movie is going to be great because it has God in it.
  • I loved, loved, LOVED the title credits! Loved the close-ups and the editing and how perfectly imperfect it was!
  • The death scenes/crime scenes are very vivid, not for those with sensitive gag reflexes.
  • In most cop movies, if there is are two main characters, one black and one white, the white one is the professional, smart one and the black one is the goofy one. Not in this one! Hurrah! Freeman is the smart one and Brad Pitt is the slightly goofy one [only very slightly… he’s more goofy than Freeman but I wouldn’t say the character is actually goofy… if you catch my drift…]
  • I love the 7 Deadly Sins, I find them fascinating to the point where when a group of us had to write a play for drama class, we chose to base our characters on the 7 Deadly Sins.
  • Freeman’s character does good old detective work with looking stuff up in books whereas Pitt just sits there, thinking he knows everything and tries to work it out with his mind, beer and sport.
  • “Yell fire, not rape.” I’ve heard this so many times, I guess this is where it came from. Its sad that its actually true.
  • It has Dr Cox in it before he was Dr Cox!
  • The plot and writing is just amazing and ingenious. I love it when the killer is so smart and thinks everything through! I normally hate that the detective finds the clues so easily but for some reason, I totally believe that Morgan Freeman would find them clues.
  • The suspense is so subtle that I didn’t even realize I was in suspense until the bullets went off and I was jumping out of my seat! Amazingly done!
  • This movie is a great advert for torchlights.
  • Dad made a comment as we watched it that you can tell the director was quite influenced by Blade Runner in a few scenes and I really know what my dad means so look out for Blade Runner refrences.
  • The ending… with the box… I unfortunately knew what was in the box and therefore I felt it ruined it for me but now I really want to watch the film again with someone who’s never seen it before and just watch their reaction to it all.
  • Somerset: This guy’s methodical, exacting, and worst of all, patient.
    Mills: He’s a nut-bag! Just because the f****r’s got a library card doesn’t make him Yoda!



    Published in: on April 7, 2010 at 11:32 PM  Comments (1)  
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    True Romance

    I loved this movie, I thought it was clever how it manages to waver between romance and thriller and back again. I also loved the little cameos of famous actors who would normally be leading men but instead had no more that 10min airtime. Now, my brain has suddenly shut down so my review will probably A. not give it justice to how good it is and B. not make sense. Apologies in advance.

  • Funky opening music.
  • Our two main characters fall in love which started over their love of movies. That’s how I want to find love, in the cinema! The pair are so sweet and adorable together, they’re just totally made for each other. She’s the sweetest girl who has bad luck with jobs [she was a call girl when she met him] and he’s an adorable film nerd who works at a comic store. And normally I roll my eyes when people in movies fall in love after knowing each other one night but for some reason, I totally believed them in this and believed that they had fallen for each other in one evening. It made a nice change from freaking Disney ‘what’s your name? We’ll be married in the morning’ s**t.
  • It’s CRAZY!Gary Oldman! However, he is on the fine line of being awesome crazy and incredibly annoying crazy. He plays a white pimp who talks and acts like a stereotypical black guy. I hate it when white people do that [my brother does it, ergh, hopefully he’ll grow out of it… “I’m a gangster” no you’re not, you’re a tall white boy who cuddles his mummy when he’s got poorly tummy]. Anyways, CRAZY!Gary Oldman manages not to completely p**s me off so he still remains cool. Also he has dreads which is also weirdly cool on him. Then he kills Samuel L.Jackson who has about 3 lines and I guess that shocked me because I’d of thought he’d been in it till the end but then I realized that these big stars only have small roles in the movie.
  • Elvis lives! Well, in Christian Slater’s head. And I loved that you never see ‘Elvis’ completely; he’s always either not in focus or you only see him from the neck down but you just know its him.
  • Slater’s character’s sunglasses are Elvis sunglasses. They’re pretty damn cool in a Halloween costume kind of way.
  • He kills for her and its ‘so romantic’. I can see why a guy getting into a fight with another guy over a girl is romantic but killing is a bit… extreme… no?
  • OMG! His dad is the bomber from Speed!! Then the dude from The War At Home and My Name Is Earl is in it too! I think that’s one the things about the little cameos by people, you can go “OMG its him!” and then he’s gone! I don’t know why but I love tiny parts for big stars, it just shows how awesome they are!
  • I loved that he could just say ‘hello baby’ like Elvis to his friend [dude from The War At Hom] on the phone and his friend knows exactly who he is! I love that, when friends know each other so well that they know who it is just with two words!
  • I thought there was some good music where the dad knows he’s about to die and you can see it in his eyes but he tries not to show it but the music tells it all, that he knows its his last couple of minutes. Amazing what music can do, isn’t it!
  • OMG ITS BRAD PITT! Now, let me just say this, I’ve known a few stoners but Brad Pitt is the best stoner I’ve ever seen. He’s totally out of it and has about 7 lines, two of which I find to be quite legendary, he‘s all buddy to this guy and totally relaxed and stoned then the guy leaves and he‘s like “Don’t condescend me, man. I’ll f****n’ kill ya, man.” when he looks like he couldn’t kill a fly even if it landed in his eye. And then another time when the others are leaving, “Hey! Get some beer and some cleaning products!”
  • There’s a scene where she gets really beaten up and its horrible to watch, especially as the blond and injuries look so real! Then after a while, she finally gets him with fire then stabs him then shoots him then whacks him. The whole scene is so emotional, probably the most emotional scene I’ve ever seen in movies. I could totally feel what she was feeling, it was so powerful. She was killing him, crying hysterically and getting the hitman [dude from The Sopranos] back for beating her up. Its just so damn powerful. I went from ‘you go girl’ to feeling complete and total pity for her.
  • I thought it was very symbolic that there is a scene where everyone is shot dead except our main couple and the dude from War At Home and the whole room is covered with white, pure feathers. I don’t know why I think its symbolic but it just felt it to me.
  • I don’t know how the couple got away with it but after everything they went through, I don’t even care that in real life they’d get caught. They have a son and he’s the cutest, happiest little boy ever! And they name him Elvis, how cool!
  • 67/212


    Interview With The Vampire

    It’s an alright film. Not bad but not great. Alright. And its alright for reasons I didn’t think it would be.

    Most of Brad Pitt’s films I’ve enjoyed and Pitt was one of the reasons I liked them. This film, however, made me despise him! He just bored me senseless. I found myself going “yeah, ok, get on with it”. I really hate these depressed, moaning vampires, they just bore me [which is probably why I‘ll never watch Twilight unless I literally have nothing else to do, like on a plane]! What happened to the vampires who had personality like Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer? Pitt did have nice hair though.

    Tom Cruise, Antonio Banderas and Kirsten Dunst were the people that made this film ‘alright’. Cruise has never really made me go “ooo it has him in it, we must see it” but he was what made me start to enjoy the movie. His character was not the depressed, moaning vampire, he was the ‘embrace it’ vampire which is so much better than depressed, moaning vampire. And he had even better hair than Pitt! And its blond! I was actually finding myself very jealous of his hair. Anyway, Cruise sucking Pitt’s blood was unusually hot. In the first 15 minutes, you do think you’re watching some weird porn flick. If you want to see Tom Cruise as a kind of crossover between a vampire and a zombie, watch this. Its freaky but its strangely funny because its Tom Cruise. Then we have Kirsten Dunst before she became a drunkard and lost her acting talent. She’s brilliant in this movie and gets to wear the prettiest dresses. We then have Antonio Banderas who is the hottest vampire you will ever see. And he has lovely hair too, but his is long and black and silky smooth.

    In conclusion, its an ‘alright’ film because of Tom Cruise’s hair, Antonio Banderas in all his sexy glory and Kirsten Dunst’s dresses. Those don’t really make a good movie, though, do they? I fail to see how this made Empire’s top 500 but maybe you will/do.



    Published in: on January 16, 2010 at 5:36 PM  Leave a Comment  
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